FlockFiler   www.flockfiler.com
A product of Cosmic Consulting www.cosmicconsulting.com.

Mail Order Form

FlockFiler Lite License

To order the FlockFiler Lite License, print and mail this order form along with your payment to:

Cosmic Consulting
447 Whitacre Road
Gore, VA 22637-2144

Fill in your information below on-screen then print this page.

Check or Money Order
in US funds

Make payable to
Cosmic Consulting
in the amount of
$49.95 USD.


Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover

The new license code you purchase here will work for FlockFiler Lite 2.0.3 or later.

No software will be shipped to you with this order. You will receive a license code only. You are responsible for downloading and installing the software from this website.
Evaluate FlockFiler thoroughly before you buy a license as there are no refunds.

FlockFiler Lite and FlockFiler Pro are products of Cosmic Consulting.
info@flockfiler.com   (540) 888-0008